Grades in my classes are broken down into two
categories: daily and tests. Daily work consists
of all homework and work done in class as well
as daily quizzes. Tests consists of chapter tests,
assignment sheets (KOT sheets) being signed
by a parent each 3 weeks, and any projects. The
percentages for each category are as follows:



KOT sheets are assignment sheets that students
are supposed to fill out each day.  They are to
write their assignments on this sheet as well as
their grades. There is a place for parent
signature each week.  At the end of three weeks I
take these up and if they have been filled out
correctly and signed by a parent each week they
receive a 100 for a test grade. This is meant to
HELP your child's test average as well as keep
you informed of their progress.

Students have the opportunity to correct each
test, get it signed by a parent, and return it to me
for 5 extra points added to that test grade.
Unfortunately most students do not take
advantage of this opportunity. If we take 3 tests
in one nine weeks, that is 15 points they could
have had added into their test average.  Five
points really adds up the more tests we take!